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North Kansas City, MO 64116
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United States v Windsor (2013):
Hollingsworth v Perry (2013)
Obergefell v Hodges (2015)
On June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled in Obergefell v Hodges that same sex marriage is legal nationwide. This landmark case will act as precedent going forward meaning that same-sex couples may legally get married in all states across the United States. The legal right to marry has a broad effect on many other legal rights and areas of immigration, probate, tax, medical, children and child custody, parenting, divorce, insurance, and much more. The newest decision by the Supreme Court allows more flexibility in all of these areas as well as others for same-sex couples who may now become married.
If you are thinking of marrying or entering into a domestic partnership please contact our office for a consultation on how your legal rights can be affected by these SCOTUS decisions and how to best protect yourself.
The Law Office of Jeffrey Y. Bennett, LLC is committed to assisting the LGBT community with the protection of their civil, legal, and financial rights which includes the right to marry.
Contact our office at 816-759-2776
(English) or 816-759-2777
(Espanol). Other languages available upon request.
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Main Phone: 816-656-3282
English: 816-759-2776
Spanish: 816-759-2777
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